The Global Capital Guide (Kapitalguiden) is a privately held corporation, working as an information and analysis source to SME (small and medium-sized enterprises) within public funding. The Global Capital Guide provides you, our customer, with tailored information and reports on public funding in the form of government grants, loans, and equity alternatives, which are potentially available to your specific business venture and sector. Our reports and analyses are customized according to your location, type of business and phase of development. The Global Capital Guide is a Scandinavian initiative, working out of Stockholm to support substantial growth, internationalization, and to reduce transaction costs from a macro perspective.

+46 705 70 52 38
Jan is a specialist in business development and in managing organizational changes and development processes. Jan's unique track record and experience comes from working with large corporations as well as independent companies in the Nordic region as well as in Europe. Jan's capability to listen, lead, inspire, support and widen the horizon of his colleagues has brought several partners and customers to financial growth and to achievements. Jan has a particular result oriented methodology that involves individuals, management and the boardroom. Jan has been involved in several projects, financed by governmental grants and DFI's.

+46 707 43 53 43
Håkan has long and deep knowledge from several financial areas through different positions in global companies as well as entrepreneurial business. The experience comes from controller functions, both operational and corporate, and from holding different CFO positions.
Håkan has a broad experience from collaborations with financial institutions,
nationwide, as well as international, interacting with governmental based dialogues containing political as well as legal issues. Håkan has his formal background from Stockholm School of Economics where he holds an MBA in finance.

+46-768 51 61 07
Caroline Furuvald is responsible for the dialogue with our customers and the operational leader of our international researchers team. She is also the link to our development department.
Caroline started at the Global Capital Guide, in 2012, and has several years of experience researching public funding. She did her final project at university on the subject; Public Funding for Small and medium sized Enterprises. She has a bachelor degree in the major of International Business from an American University, John Cabot University, in Rome.